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Premium online service 24-48h, all over Europe

Our Artist of the Month

The Romanian Photographer Șerban Mestecăneanu

Who is he?

Șerban Mestecăneanu is a freelance photographer living in Bucharest, Romania. He is known for documenting the classical
music industry and has been invited to photograph many festivals around the world. He has participated in many photo exhibitions
and has published several photo albums.

What drives him?

Șerban believes that photography should combine message with feeling or beauty. And light and shadow has to play an important role in any photograph, like it does in real life.

About his collaboration with Mees Chocolates?

Everything started more than 10 years ago when Șerban was asked to photograph Mees creations and since then it all naturally developed into a beautiful friendship. “I would say that my relation with Peter is one of kind, probably because Peter is a special person but also because we both thrive to reach perfection in what we do.”

Why this artist ?

Serban is one of these special people, who you don’t meet very often.
Don’t talk too much needlessly.
Silently searching for the how and why in everything.
His eyes, always searching for something special and on a different level.
His creations, born in the moment itself…

An angel, with a camera in hand…

He sees differently and more than us,
he plays with all dimensions of life,

a real photographer, pur sang !

That’s exactly why!

“Români de 100 de ani” a project organised by Fundația Națională pentru Civilizație Rurală “Niște Țărani” – More about this project

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Since 1994




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