Service en ligne premium 24-48h dans toute l’Europe

Service en ligne premium 24-48h dans toute l’Europe

Happy Mărțișor to all people in the world!

On this first of March,

Martisor day for Romania,
Important day for Romanian people …
But with the Ukraine crisis,
in my head,
I want to ask the Romanian people,
I want to ask the full world,
do you realise what you have ?

I am thankful for my health, my grace to have a life,
a challenge,
I am thankful to have 3 wonderful children,
I am thankful to have a wife, a soulmate,
I am thankful having the possibility to have a company,
I am thankful for having to be creative,
to create, to be able to decide this & that …
I am thankful for having a house,
where we can be together, warm & cosy …
I am thankful for having every day food,
I am thankful for my glass of wine every day,
I am thankful for people who cooperate with me on my way to …
I am thankful for clients, who respect and honour our products,
I am thankful to be healthy today …
to see, to feel, to hear, to be able to taste wonderful dishes,
I am thankful, even I am tired sometimes,
to start my day, to meet people, to meet souls,
to talk, to pray, to be grateful …
I am thankful, I am living,
I see nature, I see the sun,
I see the moon, I see the sea and I feel the earth between my fingers …
that I can hear the wind blowing in the storm …
I am thankful I can decide to be positive or negative, …

I live and I am thankful for this,

I am thankful for this 01 of March,

I am thankful for SPRING is coming,
to give me HOPE for a new WORLD …

Let’s LIVE
Let’s eat CHOCOLATES !

Peter Mees


Maria, immaculata concepta, ora pro nobis ad te confugientibus.

Stay Tuned

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