Eersteklas online service 24-48 uur in heel Europa

Eersteklas online service 24-48 uur in heel Europa

Happy Mărțișor to all people in the world!

On this first of March,

Martisor day for Romania,
Important day for Romanian people …
But with the Ukraine crisis,
in my head,
I want to ask the Romanian people,
I want to ask the full world,
do you realise what you have ?

I am thankful for my health, my grace to have a life,
a challenge,
I am thankful to have 3 wonderful children,
I am thankful to have a wife, a soulmate,
I am thankful having the possibility to have a company,
I am thankful for having to be creative,
to create, to be able to decide this & that …
I am thankful for having a house,
where we can be together, warm & cosy …
I am thankful for having every day food,
I am thankful for my glass of wine every day,
I am thankful for people who cooperate with me on my way to …
I am thankful for clients, who respect and honour our products,
I am thankful to be healthy today …
to see, to feel, to hear, to be able to taste wonderful dishes,
I am thankful, even I am tired sometimes,
to start my day, to meet people, to meet souls,
to talk, to pray, to be grateful …
I am thankful, I am living,
I see nature, I see the sun,
I see the moon, I see the sea and I feel the earth between my fingers …
that I can hear the wind blowing in the storm …
I am thankful I can decide to be positive or negative, …

I live and I am thankful for this,

I am thankful for this 01 of March,

I am thankful for SPRING is coming,
to give me HOPE for a new WORLD …

Let’s LIVE
Let’s eat CHOCOLATES !

Peter Mees


Maria, immaculata concepta, ora pro nobis ad te confugientibus.

Stay Tuned

Hoor als eerste over onze nieuwe creaties, onze speciale evenementen, onze seizoensverkoop,
de artiest van de maand, enz.

Voor orders ≥ 70€, GRATIS 1 doos Truffle Discovery-Mini

Aanbieding geldig tot 14.01.2022

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