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Serviciu online premium 24-48h în toată Europa

Dancing to freedom

It is the title of a book by André Pelgrims, a Belgian expert in group dynamics.
I heard his story in Fried’l Lesages radio program TOUCHE.
One of my favourites when it’s about people.

Many people still think, and this includes also very important people, that life happens from the mind. Many will therefore need a few more lives to discover that life happens, not only from the head, but also in cooperation with body, mind and heart!

His metaphor in the conversation are the feet…

Indeed, even in my life, my feet have often taken me where I didn’t want to be.

I have for years and years, taken courses, read books, with the intention of discovering where this journey went… But no one could hand me the key to success, to happiness.

During the trip, and at first unknowingly, I changed my insights.
Little by little, because every time it hurt, I tried to adjust something, I tried a different path.

But often the moment, I thought I was there, my feet changed direction.

I know I’m very fragile now, but do not be mistaken…

I’ve met many and shared with many.
And when I look around me, everyone has their things to learn.
Rich or poor it does not matter.
The ones I was looking at, to often, have other life questions to answer today.

For a long time,  I also thought that happiness was to be found in the physical world.
But unfortunately the ones who arrived there, they weren’t happy.

The insight has grown slowly by looking around on my journey, never giving up.
Always the high values ​​of life in my banner.
Happiness lies in the balance of body, mind and heart.

And it is from this balance that we like to present our project to you.

In our closets are stacks of small papers and writings, passed down from generation to generation. We have been unleashing our creativity on these ancient recipes for years.

It will be our pleasure to step by step translate this knowledge into contemporary gems.
And like this to organise a journey of discovery for you through chocolate world.
More specifically, this world becomes our focus.

In addition to this, we also want to bring something back to this world.
This is a conscious choice.

I have been working in Romania for 18 years now.

First of all, I thought I know everything better.
But on the way, I have experienced that everyone lives from their culture and their environment.
The big knowing, just doesn’t exist.

The two cultures are intertwined and with openness and listening, I have only met nice and interesting people. And from this binding a wonderful group has emerged, MEES Chocolates.

My wife and I therefore are  sincerely proud to introduce you to this group of people.
Piece by piece enthusiastic people, who every day, with the same discipline and passion, turn the chocolate into the creations !

With this project, we therefore strive to pay a fair salary and motivating salary to our people. So that their years of commitment also are translated in self respect and respect to their families.

And thirdly, we would also like to share with you some insights from what we learned during our trip. We believe that ART connects with ART.
That is why we choose to connect our chocolate art with other arts.
From this search THE WALL OF CHANGE is born.

By these insights, we want to put themes in spotlight from month to month.
This with the intention of slowing you down a bit in this stressy world.
And make you listening …
Make you looking around …
And controlling if you are still following your feet…

You feet on the path,
Dancing to freedom…

Peter Mees


Maria, immaculata concepta, ora pro nobis ad te confugientibus.

Stay Tuned

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